Tuesday 16 October 2012

November Mocks 2012 - Exam Timetable

Click here to access the Mock Exam timetable via the school website.

November Mocks 2012 - Prepare It! Learn It! Test It!

We encourage the students to create a three phase revision session each time they revise, based around the sequence of preparation, learning and testing. The short film above was created by our Sixth Formers to show how they use the three phases to structure their revision.

Mock Exams November 2012

After half term, Year 11 students will take their mock examinations. This an important opportunity for students and staff to take stock of the progress that students are making towards their GCSE examinations, to identify any areas for development and to put into place strategies to ensure students achieve their full potential in the summer.

For these reasons it is a vital that students take these exams seriously and are thoroughly prepared for them by revising over the half term break. During Values in Practice lessons this term, students have been introduced to a variety of strategies for revision and have been shown how to break revision sessions into three parts – preparation, learning and testing.

In addition to this students can access a range of revision resources via the school’s Virtual Learning Environment which can be accessed via the Fronter link at the side of this page. Students will need a username and password to access the materials on the Virtual Learning Environment. If they have lost their password they should speak to their tutor.

Students can log on as “guests” to the Take Five website using the link on this page which contains videos and quizzes which will aid revision in a range of subjects – they simply need to click on the name of our school and then enter their surname and first name.

MyMaths (link on this page) contains valuable resources for students studying GCSE Maths. Students can get their log-in and password from their Maths teacher.

Students should check with their individual subject teacher to make sure that they are clear which topics they need to revise for their mock exam and which of the revision resources listed above would be most appropriate to support their revision.

Students who are finding revision a particular struggle should talk to their tutor or speak to Mr Taylor (Assistant Head Teacher) whose office is in the TC building.